Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl

It's been awhile since I've updated, which is why I included that disclaimer in the first blog post.

Today's show is commonly referred to as Awkward Black Girl, or ABG, and is about a woman named J who happens to be, well, black and awkward.

ABG thrives on a lack of political correctness, but at the same time is anything but stereotypical as everyone involved has at least two dimensions, and the more central a character is the more layers they're given. J, for example, writes violent rap lyrics whenever she is frustrated romantically or professionally.

At the heart is a rivalry with an evil and jealous co-worker, a budding friendship with an equally awkward co-worker, and a love triangle between J, a black man named Fred, and a white guy called White Jay.

Often diving headlong into audacity for comedy, the show looks like it would have a niche appeal but is surprisingly accessible. The characters are all engaging and the acting solid.

Awkward Black Girl can be found at as well as Youtube.

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